Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) provides leadership in transportation improvements and innovation through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange, research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. For example, committees, researchers, and staff are currently focused on advancing resilient infrastructure, exploring transformational technology, and caring for the public’s health and safety. The TRB Annual Meeting is the largest global gathering of transportation professionals and researchers with a focus on innovative solutions for all modes of transportation.
The TRB’s 102nd Annual Meeting was held in person January 8-12, 2023 in Washington, D.C. The event attracted thousands of transportation professionals from around the world.
This year’s meeting program covered all transportation modes, with sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.
A number of sessions and workshops focused on the spotlight theme for the 2023 meeting: Rejuvenation Out of Disruption: Envisioning a Transportation System for a Dynamic Future.
ATI was a bronze sponsor of this year’s meeting and researchers from the Alabama Transportation Institute had a strong presence at the 2023 conference in presentations and poster sessions.
ATI researchers also participated heavily in TRB Standing Committees. Almost all serve as a member or friend on several of the various committees.
Find information on specific event dates and times and read abstracts for each paper by searching the corresponding event number in the TRB 2023 Online Program.
Paper Title | Authors | Event | Event # |
A Branch-cut-and-price Algorithm for the Dial-a-ride Problem with Minimum Disease-transmission Risk | Shuocheng Guo, Iman Dayarian, XInwu Qian, Jian Li | Transportation Service Models, Networks, and Scheduling | 2054 |
Understanding Active Transportation Accessibility’s Impacts on Polycentric and Monocentric Cities’ Housing Price | Xinghua Li, Ziqi Yang, Yuntao Guo, XInwu Qian, Wei Wang | Geographic Information Science Research | 2040 |
Audio Analytics-based Human Trafficking Detection Framework for Autonomous Vehicles | Sagar Dasgupta, Kazi Shakib, Mizanur Rahman, Silvana V Croope, Steven Jones | Through a Gender Lens: Travel Behavior and Workforce Development | 2052 |
Envisioning Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) for 193 Small and Mediumsized Urban Areas in the United States: The Roles of Road Network and Regional Travel Demand | Jun Liu, Xinwu Qian, Shuocheng Guo, Zihe Zhang, Chenxuan Yang, Steven Jones | How Automated Vehicles Could Advance Mobility | 2027 |
Real-time Traffic Incident Detection on Freeways Using Crowdsourced Probe Vehicle Data: A Deep Learning Approach | Zihe Zhang, Qifan Nie, Jun Liu, Xing Fu, Alex Hainen, Steven Jones | Freeway Operation 2023 | 2035 |
Crash Severity Analysis of Single-Vehicle Rollover Crashes in Namibia: A Mixed Logit with Heterogeneity in Means and Variances Approach | Cailis Bullard, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, Jun Liu, Steven Jones | Truck and Bus Safety Research | 2099 |
DTSUMO: A “Digital Twin” Traffic Simulation Tool for Network-Wide Real-Time Traffic Monitoring and Management | Xing Fu, Weike Lu, Jun Liu, Alex Hainen | Visualization of 3D Assets for Transportation Planning | 2065 |
A Comprehensive View of Factors Influencing Child Passenger Safety in Ghana | Cailis Bullard, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, William Agyemang, Steven Jones | Occupant Protection Posters | 2150 |
Are First Responders Prepared for Electric Vehicle Fires? A National Survey | Jun Liu, Ningzhe Xu, Yangming Shi, Timothy Barnett, Steven Jones | Incident Response and Roadside Safety | 2160 |
Analysis of First Responder-Involved Traffic Incidents by Mining News Reports | Chenxuan Yang, Jun Liu, Xiaobing Li, Timothy Barnett | Incident Response and Roadside Safety | 2160 |
Incident Response Personnel’s Compliance and Non-compliance to Recommended Safety Countermeasures and Protocols | Praveena Penmetsa, Ph.D. Chenxuan Yang Jun Liu, Ph.D. Timothy Barnett, P.E. Leon Villavicencio, Lindsay Arnold | Incident Response and Roadside Safety | 2160 |
Reinforcement Learning based Cyberattack Model for Adaptive Traffic Signal Controller in Connected Transportation Systems | Muhammad Sami Irfan, Mizanur Rahman, Travis Atkison, Sagar Dasgupta, Alexander Hainen | Cyber Resilience in Transportation | 2160 |
The Relationship between Traffic Incident Responders’ Safety Experience and Countermeasure Adoption: A Machine Learning Study Based on the National Survey | Jun Liu, Chexuan Yang, Alex Hainen, Timothy Barnett, Praveena Penmetsa | Incident Response and Roadside Safety | 2160 |
Intracity heavy-duty truck stop identification using multiday large-scale trajectory data | Xinghua Li, Tianzuo Wang, Jieru Zou, Yuntao Guo, XInwu Qian | Truck Parking: Emerging Methods and Practices | 2142 |
A Preliminary Look at the Impacts of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) on Local Accessibility in 367 Small Urbanized Areas in the United States | Chenxuan Yang, Jun Liu, Sophie Menner, Xinwu Qian, Steven Jones | Current Issues in Aviation | 2217 |
Analysis of factors that influence injury severity of single-and multi-vehicle crashes involving at-fault older drivers | Richard Dzinyela, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu | Road User Training and Education Across the Life Span | 2170 |
Crash Severity Analysis of In-State and Out-of-State Large Truck Crashes in Alabama: A Random Parameter Multinomial Logit with Heterogeneity in Means and Variances Approach | Sunday Okafor, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, Steven Jones | Truck Safety Problem Identification and Analysis Approach | 2173 |
Linking Ride-hailing Behaviors and Interest in Shared Autonomous Vehicles: A Machine Learning-Supported Path Analysis on Travel survey | Sophie Menner, Jun Liu, Chenxuan Yang, Steven Jones | Analysis and Modeling of Shared, Emerging, and Micromobility | 2208 |
Linking short- and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in Alabama: A machine learning-supported path analysis | Ningzhe Xu, Qifan Nie, Jun Liu Steven Jones | Studies on COVID-19 Impacts: Pre-, During, and Post-Pandemic Travel Behavior | 2209 |
Do First Responders Trust Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)? A National Survey | Jun Liu, Ningzhe Xu, Yangming Shi, Mizanur Rahman, Timothy Barnett, Steven Jones | Vehicle-Highway Automation 2023, Part 2 | 2229 |
Modeling the Electric Shared Mobility Drivers’ Charging Station Preference | Yuntao Guo, XInwu Qian, Tian Lei, Shuocheng Guo, Lei Gong | Beyond Adoption of Electric Vehicles | 3027 |
Revisiting the Roles of Speeds in Traffic Crashes: A Geospatial Modeling Study | Chenxuan Yang, Jun Liu, Cong Chen, Steven Jones | Transportation Safety Management Systems from Start to Finish | 3149 |
A Comprehensive Analysis of Bicyclists Crash Severity contributing Factors at Intersection and Mind-block Locations using Random Parameter Models | Richard Dzinyela, Bahar Dadashova, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, Lord Dominique | Safety Impacts of Road Users Including Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Others | 3196 |
Behavioral Pathway Analysis of Pedestrian Injury Severity in Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Crashes | Sunday Okafor, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, Jun Liu, Steven Jones | Safety Impacts of Road Users Including Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Others | 3196 |
Factors Influencing Poor Accessibility of Persons with Disability in Bangladesh: Insights from Key Informant Interviews | Md Musfiqur Rahman Bhuiya, Jun Liu, Md Musleh Uddin Hasan, Steven Jones | Innovation in Accessible Transportation and Mobility | 3207 |
The Role of the Built Environment in Traffic Signal and Stop Sign Violation Crashes: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach | Md Musfiqur Rahman Bhuiya, Jun Liu, Steven Jones, Qifan Nie | Speed, Signals, and Enforcement: Improving Safety and Reducing Crashes | 3164 |
Young Professionals’ Insights Into Organizations of the Future | Trayce Hockstad | Leaders’ Dialogue: Readying Organizations for Future Policy, Legal, & Organizational Issues | 3169 |
Assessing the Risk and Impact of Dam Failure Via Pluvial Monitoring System: An Operational Resilience Approach | Junho Song, Felipe Simoyama, Silvana Croope | Critical Infrastructure Protection | 3208 |
Analysis of Left and Right Run-Off-Road Single Vehicle Crash Severity using Random Parameter Ordered Logit Model | Sunday Okafor, Emmanuel Kofi Adanu, Abhay Lidbe, Steven Jones | A Fresh Look at Crash Characteristics | 3216 |
Quantifying the Network-Wide Traffic Efficiency-Safety Relationship: A Case Study of Evaluating Mixed Urban Traffic Flows with Human-Driven and Connected and Automated Vehicles | Xiwen Lou, Guojing Hu, Jun Liu, Weike Lu, Wenjuan E, Qifan Nie | Traffic Flow Theory, Part 2: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles | 3212 |
Transportation Needs Assessment for Rural Communities: A Case of Pickens County, Alabama | Riffat Islam, Olga Bredikhina, Muhammad Sami Irfan, Khadiza Tul Jannat, Steven Jones | Performance Assessment of Rural On-Demand Transit Services | 3209 |
An Overview of State and Federal Data Privacy Legislation | Justin Fisher and Trayce Hockstad | Legal Resources | 4028 |
Incident Response Personnel and Countermeasures Adoption: Lessons Learned from Focus Group Interviews | Praveena Penmetsa, Ph.D., Chenxuan Yang, Jun Liu, Ph.D., Timothy Barnett, P.E., PTOE, RSP, Xiaobing Li | Emergency Case Study and Human Behaviors | 4035 |
Examining dynamic accessibility to healthcare services in Shanghai: A perspective of spatial equity | Xinghua Li, Wei Xu, XInwu Qian, Ziqi Yang, Yuntao Guo | Enhancing Our Knowledge of Transportation as a Social Determinant of Health | 4033 |
A Collaborative Research Model for Interdisciplinary Engagement of the Transportation Workforce to Conduct the United Against Slavery National Outreach Survey for Transportation | Chris Baglin, Deb Niemeier, Megan Lundstrom, Silvana Croope, Matthew Hudnall, Kristen Joyner, Ronald Perrilloux, Christi Wigle | Emerging Topics in Transit Research and Operations | 4037 |
Long Short Term Memory Based Lane Change Prediction Using Waymo Open Motion Dataset: The Role of Vehicle Operating Space | Xing Fu, Jun Liu, Zhitong Huang, Alex Hainen, Asad Khattak | Information Systems and Technology | 4063 |
Investigating the Impacts of Property Walking Accessbility on Housing Affordability and Equity: Evidence from Shanghai, China | Xinghua Li, Ziqi Yang, Yuntao Guo, XInwu Qian, Wei Wang | Equitable Access and Travel Costs | 4071 |
Modeling False Data Injection Attacks in the Electric Shared Mobility System | Shuocheng Guo, Hanlin Chen, XInwu Qian, Mizanur Rahman | Cybersecurity Challenges in Emerging Transportation Technology | 4075 |
The Spatiotemporal Varying Impacts of Station Accessibility on Regular and Irregular Subway Station User Behavior | Xinghua Li, Guanhua XIng, Yuntao Guo, Xinwu Qian, Cheng Cheng, Wei Wang | General Research into Urban Rail Transit Operations and Design | 4073 |