May 11, 2023
Currently the executive director of the Alabama Transportation Institute, Parrish was appointed by President Stuart R. Bell to oversee the Office of Research and Economic Development effective May 27.
May 1, 2023
As is always the case, April was full of faculty and student recognition and awards. Whether it was for outstanding research or in competition, our affiliated faculty and students truly shined this semester.
April 3, 2023
This month we secured several new projects. We focus on three of them here: (a) a SMART grant in collaboration with the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham; (b) a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)…
February 24, 2023
USDOT just announced the prestigious University Transportation Center awards for 2023, and ATI is part of two centers: the National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency and the Region 4 Regional University Transportation Center for…
February 23, 2023
We are delighted to announce that The Alabama Transportation Institute at The University of Alabama is part of TWO of the recently announced U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers (UTC). A big thank you to…
February 7, 2023
For us in transportation research, January is an exciting month because of the Transportation Research Board annual meeting in Washington, DC – with over 10,000 attendees focused on the latest research in transportation.
December 19, 2022
As we wrap up 2022, we are grateful for the dedication that our faculty, affiliates, researchers, and students put into the work they produce. Our FY2022 Annual Report is in the works and be sure…
November 17, 2022
November has turned out to be quite a newsworthy month! From celebrating the Cyber Security Lab opening to innovative technology being installed near the future Smart Communities and Innovation Building, we have been making waves…
November 14, 2022
The Annual Grant Program of the Rebuild Alabama Act (RAA) signed in March 2019 requires ALDOT to allocate at least $10 million annually from the state’s share of gas tax revenue for funding of eligible…
November 9, 2022
This week, Alex Hainen, Associate Professor of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering, implemented a GRIDSMART GS3 vehicle detection system on campus at the intersection of Peter Bryce Blvd. and Randall Way. This is the first…