Dr. Steven Jones
ATI Interim Executive Director

- Phone
- (205) 348-3137
- sjones@eng.ua.edu
Steven Jones was named the Interim Director of the Alabama Transportation Institute (ATI) effective May 16, 2023. Steven is the former James R. Cudworth Professor of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering at The University of Alabama before becoming the the Deputy Director of the Alabama Transportation Institute in 2022. In this role he has overseen the ATI research portfolio and directed its Transportation Policy Research Center. Steven has 30 years of transportation engineering and planning experience spanning both academic and private sector consulting appointments in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and in sub-Saharan Africa. He spent 2019 teaching and conducting transportation research as a Fulbright Scholar at the Namibia University of Science and Technology and was appointed as a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador in 2021.
In addition to his ATI roles, Jones is the Technology Transfer Director for the Center for Regional and Rural Connected Communities (CR2C2), a USDOT-funded Region IV University Transportation Center (UTC), he is a charter member of the American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation and Development Institute and former chair of its Public Transportation committee. He is an active member of the Transportation Research Board and currently serves on its Committee on Rural, Intercity Bus, and Specialized Transportation. Additionally, he serves on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Standing Committee on Transit. Jones serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Transportation Safety and Security and the African Geographical Review.
He has served as principal investigator on some $16 million in externally sponsored projects from a range of funding sources. He has authored or co-authored more than 250 journal articles, conferences papers, design manuals, and project reports on a range of transportation topics. Jones currently focuses much of his professional efforts exploring how transportation impacts human development (e.g., health and safety, basic accessibility) and cultivating international relationships to facilitate collaborative research, education, and technology transfer.