November 14, 2022
The workshop is organized with a keynote speech by Chief O’Brian from the Brighton Area Fire Authority in Brighton MI, and three expert panels to discuss existing and future challenges and solutions related to electric vehicle (EV) emergency responses. We have invited experts from various agencies including vehicle manufacturers, fire departments, DOT/traffic incident management (TIM), roadside services, responder safety and training organizations to share their perspectives, experiences and lessons learned relevant to EV emergencies. Your input as participants in the workshop will strengthen future EV-related emergency response planning and first responder training.
The panel discussion will include:
- Panel A: Industry Aspects of EV Safety
- Panel B: Traffic Incident Management (TIM) of EV
- Panel C: Responder Training for EV fires
Full workshop information is available at our website:
November 18th, 2022 at Cyber Hall 1036
Click here to register for the event. Lunch will be provided.