November 9, 2022
This week, Alex Hainen, Associate Professor of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering, implemented a GRIDSMART GS3 vehicle detection system on campus at the intersection of Peter Bryce Blvd. and Randall Way. This is the first installation of this system in the state of Alabama.

Senior CCEE students in Roadway and Intersection Design visited the installation. It was a fantastic way for them to see this deployment and talk with the manufacturer about this technology.

The intentional location of this technology near the new Smart Communities and Innovation Building will allow the ATI Traffic Lab to overlook this intersection. This will enable students and researchers will monitor operations, collect data, and deploy new algorithms.

This project was made possible through a generous donation from Cubic & GRIDSMART, with support from Dr. Jeff Price, VP & GM – ITS at Cubic Transportation Systems, and Mr. Steve Maupin, Regional Sales Manager at GRIDSMART Technologies, Inc. UA Faculty and staff instrumental on this project include Michael Kelley, Chris D’Esposito, and Tim Leopard for supporting this type of testing and research on campus, and Terry McMillian and his crews for helping install. ATI’s Allen Parrish and Steven Jones also lent significant support.
UA now has some of the most advanced signal infrastructure technologies on campus and we are proud to be able to share this type of work.
ATI News, College of Engineering, Grants, Smart Communities & Innovation, Traffic Safety, UA Faculty