July 20, 2022

July 20, 2022
Contact: Mani Hairston
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The newly created Alabama Mobility & Power Center at the Alabama Transportation Institute at the University of Alabama will join the Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council’s annual Diverse Automotive & Mobility Summit on July 26 in Birmingham. This year’s theme of Focus on the Future will include a lineup of automotive industry experts and how they
see the future of mobility.
“I am looking forward to speaking at the auto summit to inform attendees about the new and innovative Alabama Mobility and Power (AMP) Center within the Alabama Transportation Institute (ATI) at The University of Alabama,” said Rhonda Stricklin, ATI’s information management director and engineer. “The AMP Center is focused on e-mobility innovation as electric is the way of the automotive future.” SRMSDC’s annual summit on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at Barber Motorsports Park and Museum will bring together diverse suppliers and key leaders of the automotive industry to discuss the future of the automotive supply chain ecosystem.
“The automotive summit is an event that we believe will allow diverse suppliers to connect with leaders of the automotive industry,” said Alvin-o Williams, President of SRMSDC. “We invite all diverse suppliers in every industry to come learn and connect. The automotive industry is a major part of our regional economy, and we are excited to continue our tradition of supporting this industry.” Joining Stricklin in the speaker lineup is Dr. Marc Scott, assistant professor of practice in the department of supply chain management at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Scott, who also serves as the executive director of Supply Chain ESG Initiatives with his department, will focus his presentation on the university’s Smart Mobility initiatives, a roadmap of the future of supply chain management. On the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) side, Nick Sitarski, Toyota’s vice president of Integrated Vehicle Systems division, will share topics on advanced development, evaluation, production implementation and post-production quality assurance of various advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) and automated driving systems (ADS) technologies within North America.
Rounding out the summit will be a multi-generation executive roundtable of minority business owners and their successors. The dynamic panel will feature Blue Springs Metal, James Group International, Diversity Vuteq, and Systems Electro Coating.
The Honorable Marcus Campbell, president of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama and chairman of Sumter County, will welcome all attendees, both in-person and virtual, to the summit. The event is free and open to all, but geared toward business owners. Visit www.diverseautosummit.com for registration and more information. Media are also invited to attend.
For 49 years, the Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council (SRMSDC) has provided thought leadership and results-driven counsel to ethnic minority suppliers and large buying organizations in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. As we look toward a more equitable and inclusive future, our focus will be on being more intentional with all our stakeholders to encourage a more sustainable and circular ecosystem for all.